"Hmmm... Seen 6 of Fincher's films and have rated three 6/10 and three 7/10. So I guess my ratings reflect my overall feelings about Fincher-- those being that he's "fine", but not someone who excites "

"Whoa. I will definitely have to spend some more time with this! You've outdone yourself, Severin. On the chance that you're not already familiar with it, certainly I think that this is something tha"

"Thanks to all who have replied so far! The list has been updated to reflect your votes. Looks like Clint Eastwood is kicking everyone's ass so The Outlaw Jose Wales will be the first movie I watch. S"

"And luckily September is an odd numbered month! Oh wait, but then do you lump Oct, Nov, Dec all together? Or do you continue the monthly trend the rest of the year? Hmmm. Something tells me it'll be w"

"Great read! And yes, some of these were a bit surprising, but I enjoyed your reasoning behind it all. The drinking buddy bit about Colin Farrell is pretty hilarious. Ever seen Bob Sagat's stand-up ma"

"Heh, yeah I already feel like it's a nice change of pace from my usual fare. And thanks for saying so when it comes to Grave of the Fireflies!"

"Absolutely love your comments regarding the Saw franchise. I'm almost positive I made it as far as the third film, though I don't remember a thing about it. Completely with you in regards to the Miss"

"Damsels in Distress really seems to be a highly polarizing movie (I suspect Stillman's work is that way in general), so I'm glad and a bit relieved to see that is suited your fancy :)"

"Nice job catching up with Night of the Creeps! Funny enough, it has proven to be one of those movies that I'm actually fonder of in memory than my rating would suggest. Wouldn't be opposed to giving i"

"Thanks to all you early birds!! I'll be totaling votes in time to make my first viewing selection sometime over the weekend. Hopefully I can get two of these movies watched before the end of "

"I didn't want to watch Paper Moon at first because I though it was just some kiddie movie, but then I was like Oh Wait- There WEREN'T any kiddie movies in the motherfucking 70s! Hilarious! Great read"

"Great job! Keep your eyes peeled for a new Madame Bovary starring Mia Wasikowska coming out late 2013 or maybe 2014."

"1. Miracle 2. Raging Bull 3. The Pride of the Yankees 4. Rocky 5. Slap Shot"

"Awesome! Any love for Anastasia or Titan A.E.?"

"1. Stephen R. Donaldson 2. Tolkien 3. Robin Hobb 4. J.V. Jones 5. Terry Goodkind"

"One of the funniest lists I've read. Thanks for posting! The visual summary of Drive is indeed hilarious. So is almost everything else. If you can find more, I'd say that it's worth making a separat"

"Oh wow, I hadn't realized that you hadn't yet seen Part II. Certainly I don't go in for the idea that it's better than the first installment, but from the looks of it I still found more overall enjoym"

"Oh great, I'm glad you thought so highly of Beginners! I was beginning to feel like I was alone in thinking it a pretty darn special little movie."

"As per the little blue box, I "have watched none of the movies from this list and want to watch 3". But in truth I now have watched none and want to watch zero. Okay, so I might still watch Fanny an"