"Apparently I need to catch up on my animation! Also, why is this the first time Mockingbird has come to my attention? Hmm... well always nice to know that promising horror awaits. Definitely should "

"Oh my, nice to see you enjoyed Strangers on a Train so thoroughly. It's a good one alright. Happy to see you enjoyed Anomolisa so well. I'm annoyed that I haven't been able to get out and see it yet. "

"Sure, I'll play... 1. Hans Beckert (M) 2. Captain Vidal (Pan's Labyrinth) 3. Gmork (The Neverending Story) 4. Mrs. Danvers (Rebecca) 5. Frank Booth (Blue Velvet) 6. Nurse Ratched (One Flew Over the C"

"Catching up on some unfinished lists that I've had hanging around. Also, worth noting-- inclusion of horror movies on these "Worst of" lists are limited to wide-release affairs. It's probable I've wat"

"Thanks for the heads up. I'll barricade the doors and windows."

"Five things: 1. Kat Dennings truly is damn adorable. 2. Nice catch on Walken's mentions of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow". 3. I still need to watch City of God. 4. Glad you dug The Babadook 5. Miss ya "

"1. Birdman 2. The Grand Budapest Hotel 3. The Babadook 4. Calvary 5. Snowpiercer 6. Inherent Vice 7. Locke 8. Mood Indigo 9. Under the Skin 10. Boyhood"

"Definitely a lot of common ground here. Love the fact that two of the films we saw in Toronto held on to make your list. Guess that means we did a pretty decent job picking movies to see, huh? Haven"

"The Road Salo Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Sweeny Todd"

"-Children's books and play adaptations will be included Ah, I didn't see that you're including plays. Whole bunch of Shakespeare, obviously. Lots of Tennessee Williams too. Long Day's Journey into "

"Off the top of my head... About a Boy High Fidelity Fever Pitch (twice) The Snapper Naked Lunch The Talented Mr. Ripley Pride & Prejudice (dir. Joe Wright) 1984 127 Hours Naked Lunch Disgrace Wonder "

"Loved the Book of Words trilogy back in the day! I've read it twice and it still sits on my shelves. Barbed Coil was good too. Made it through book five of Sword of Truth... great stuff. If fantasy i"

"Still need to catch up with a few of these... Captain Phillips tonight, me thinks. Recently watched Fruitvale Station and Michael B. Jordan's performance nearly lifted that film out of "runner up" st"

"Firstly, just have to say that I love the above comment! As a response to your list, and as a revelatory statement about this particular listal member's relationship with cinema. It's the kind of disc"