"Great, great list. I'd vote twice if I could. I've seen all but August Underground, (which I don't intend to see...I hear it sucks) Cannibal Holocaust (on the fence about watching) and Salo (will watc"

"Great list. Last Crusade is my favorite too...thought I might be alone on that for a while there. Haven't seen Dead Ringers yet. On my Netflix Queue. Grave of the Fireflies is a nice, unexpected touch"

"I agree; it is a fantastic SciFi-Horror film, and you're right about the extended version being the strongest cut. And given the many setbacks and forced impovisations that had to be done to even comp"

"Ha! Check out our like-minded two-star rating for A.I. Artificial Intelligence. There may be more like this, but I just happened to glance thru the first segment and noticed that. We can't BOTH be wro"

"Fantastic list! Exhaustive and diverse, with plenty of incredible films and some pleasant surprises. But I'm curious about Alien 3..."

"So is Martyrs French or French-Canadian? I've heard both. Or was it just not disturbing enough to you? Because somehow I doubt that's possible..."