"@Bml93-- Thanks for saying so! I'm not confident there will be much change though. At least not at the moment. @jaytoast-- Felt like a pretty damn good year in movies for me, actually. Hopefully you "

"Wow! Glad to see 3-Iron lived up to the promise of Moebius! Guess it's safe to say that you'll continue catching up with Ki-Duk's body of work."

"Haha, you beat me to the punch by a matter of hours! I've got my list all written up as far as the films go-- just working on some format stuff and writing the side column. Can't wait to read this and"

"Perfect score for Attack the Block! Yes!! I'll be interested to see your comments on the rest of these. Keep up the good work."

"Meh. I'd say Hugo beats out The Artist anyways ;) I'm right there with ya on Seeking a Friend for the End of the World."

"1. Anna Karenina 2. Safety Not Guaranteed 3. Seven Psychopaths 4. The Master 5. The Perks of Being a Wallflower 6. Holy Motors 7. Byzantine 8. Damsels in Distress 9. Ruby Sparks 10. Django Unchained"

"I have no idea how My Girlfriend's Boyfriend got posted twice, nor do I know how to fix it. Strange."

"1. Notorious 2. Vertigo 3. Rear Window 4. Strangers on a Train 5. Dial M for Murder"

"1. The Royal Tennenbaums 2. Life Aquatic 3. Darjeeling"

"1. Edward Scissorhands 2. Ed Wood 3. Sweeny Todd"

"Great list and a pleasure to read your responses to movies. You have a fantastically broad range of taste in film! Bravo."

"Yep, Cabin in the Woods for me was an entertaining time, but never felt particularly special or noteworthy to me-- even in its instances of success. Looks as though we felt more or less the same abou"

"From the same little production company that brought you Afterschool and Martha Marcy May Marlene (and you should really already know whether you need to keep reading further or not) I can see that th"

"So just to clarify... you didn't care for what you saw of Holy Motors? Your response seemed a bit vague on the matter so I'm not sure, haha. Oh well- definitely a "not for everyone" movie. I hadn't r"

"1. Anna Karenina 2. Safety Not Guaranteed 3. Holy Motors 4. The Master 5. Seven Psychopaths"

"That's a hell of a lot of movies, and a nice mix too! Just watched The First Time last night and I was thoroughly and completely charmed by it. Caught Smashed this month too and that was another nice"

"Hey cool, you caught up with Perks! So glad to see that we shared a fondness for it. Certainly one of the brightest spots in the 2012 cinema year!! Nice call on Rumble Fish? It's the kind of thing th"

">Ti West's tale wound up being my personal favorite in large part because it looked like it was shot by someone who knows how to frame a shot without going overboard on the shakiness, but also for del"

"How have I spent so much time on this page and neglected to vote until just now? This kind of lack of attention to detail makes me think that I would be terrible at doing what you do for a living :)"

"Hey alright!! Always nice to see Umberto D. find an appreciative audience. Seems to be one of those world classics that people have forgotten about a bit. I'm due for a rewatch myself. Maybe try to tr"