"Yeah the all but universal by now shift to digital is certainly a bit unfortunate in some ways. In fact, as far as I'm concerned "Sound" is the only aspect that digital beats out celluloid. Glad to s"

"Happy to see that I'm not the only demented person with Martyrs toward the top of my list ;)"

"I have to say... despite the fact that I haven't seen it, I absolutely love the way you expressed your thoughts about Lincoln. Ha, so yeah... sorry you didn't enjoy the movie. But at least I got some "

"Happy to see ParaNorman get some love here. Oh, and I decided I need to check out Rise of the Guardians sometime."

"Hmmm. Killing Them Softly is beginning to sound like something I would hate. And really, at this point, that comes as a relief since there are a number of other movies slated to open soon that are vy"

"Hey, alright! The long-awaited 2011 list! I like the classic Top Ten scope of it all with a documentary thrown in for good measure! And thanks for using a couple of my quotes! It's always flattering/"

"Hey, alright! Glad you watched and enjoyed Hugo so much!! As you know it was nearly my favorite movie of last year. And I rank it right up with the very best of Scorsese's work, so it's nice to read t"

"I can tell you first-hand that Seed of Chucky follows in the Horror-Comedy fashion that Bride of Chucky adopted."

"Gee, I can't believe Spielberg turned down Last Action Hero to work on Shindler's List."

"I see a number of 8/10s. Do you have a favorite yet? My (seemingly unpopular) choice is Notorious. At any rate, I predict lots of great things in your future :) Hope you continue watching and enjoying"

"Well done! I especially enjoyed your treatment of The Nightmare Before Christmas- "Parents wondering if The Nightmare Before Christmas is suitable for their children should know that the frightening a"

"Oh, and thanks for quoting me in the 'book/bullshit' section!"

"Hey cool! Finally someone else who dug Australia. I finally caught up with the movie earlier this week and enjoyed it thoroughly, but thought I was alone on that until now."

"I've only watched one of these movies and it's the one starring the inexplicably meta-conscious shark so it barely counts. But a great read, nonetheless. Have you done a "Best Christmas Movies" list?"

"The whole business with the flight and the hospital scenes (particularly a hilariously-scripted scene involving a cancer patient) are just ways of trying to give a level of freshness to what is really"

"Awesome! How cool to have all those Star Wars screen-grabs?! But fuck having Freddy on the wall at age 10! I think at that age I'd only finally stopped walking through the horror section of the vide"

"I looked at MUBI (I also hadn't heard of it 'til now) and it's too much for my brain to handle at the moment. Looks pretty awesome though so maybe I'll poke around a bit more when I've got more time/r"

"@phillydude- Okay, got to the post office today, yay! jaytoast's movies are scheduled to arrive on Monday."

"Thanks for the feedback all! Sounds like I need to get Holy Mountain watched one of these days."

"@ the giraffe/all-- Thanks to the giraffe for laying it out- I feel like you pretty much covered everything so far as options going forward. To be honest, right now I'm hesitant to commit to proceed"

"@phillydude-- Oh my gosh, my apologies. I've been... bad at life lately. I won't be able to get them out on Thursday, but I should be able to get them sent off on Friday. Maybe I can find a little som"

"Wow, Adam Sandler and Judd Apatow? One would logically think that a combo like that would guarantee a terrific comedy to rule them all. Well, I wouldn't think it. And I'm not sure why anyone else wou"

"Looks like you're off to a pretty solid start for the month! Glad to see you enjoyed The Ninth Gate, even if the ending undoes a good chunk of the over-all effect. I'll have to sit down with it again "

"One of the smartest lists I've seen in a long while. Great job!!"

"I'd recommend Thin Ice. In the vein of Fargo and A Simple Plan. Not as good as either, but not without its merits, either. Worth seeing for Alan Arkin alone. Great list!"