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Xanadon't commented on a list
Tarantino's choices: best&worst of 2011 (45 movies items)

"@the giraffe- Seriously. And what about 13 Assassins?! I find it hard to believe that he hasn't seen it. I find it harder to believe that he saw it and didn't find enough to admire in it to make menti"

13 years, 1 month ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Tarantino's choices: best&worst of 2011 (45 movies items)

"Speed was the best film of the 90's. Surprised you didn't know that."

13 years, 1 month ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Worst Films of 2010 (15 movies items)

"I turned off Alice 30 minutes in. Glad to see I didn't miss anything noteworthy. I almost wish I'd seen it all the way through so that I could be the guy to finally step out and declare just how badly"

13 years, 1 month ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Top Films of 2010 (20 movies items)

"Glad to see The American, Fair Game, and Let Me In on your list. And The Ghostwriter is probably the most over-looked or forgotten film of 2010 (though I haven't seen Never Let Me Go). Nice taste!"

13 years, 1 month ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Side B (10 movies items)

"There's never a GREAT moment in 'The Guard'. That's the flaw. But there's also never a bad one. Consistently funny and vibrant with a darker streak than it might let on. Yep. That's EXACTLY the movie"

13 years, 1 month ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Worst Films of 2011 (10 movies items)

"Great flip-side to your "Best" list. Definitely didn't disappoint! I've only seen 3 of these (luckily) but two of those appear on my list as well. I was slightly kinder toward The Thing than you were"

13 years, 1 month ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Tarantino's choices: best&worst of 2011 (45 movies items)

"Gotta say that overall I'm rather disappointed with this list. I personally can't see the rhyme or reason to any of it. Strange to me that movies as ordinary or as "just fine" as Moneyball, Warrior, a"

13 years, 1 month ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Watched in 2012 - January (33 movies items)

"Gosh, I wish I could watch that many good movies in a month. Nice taste!"

13 years, 1 month ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Movies the giraffe watched: January 2012 (19 movies items)

"Ha, yep. Parking Lot Movie is kinda a special little film. Not one that blew me away or anything, but definitely my speed and one that I hold closer to my heart than a lot of stuff I've seen. Glad you"

13 years, 1 month ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Top 20 Female Artists (20 person items)

"Especially glad to see Debbie Harry, Joan Jett, Liz Phair (when I was a teenager I wanted to marry her), and Aretha. Nice taste!"

13 years, 1 month ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
2011 by star rating (118 movies items)

"Ha, I'm not mad at you for seeing Paradise Lost 3 without me... just green with envy ;) Very happy to hear that it's more on par with the overall quality of the first installment rather than the seco"

13 years, 1 month ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Awful Films I detest and wish I didn't watch (29 movies items)

"Yep. Human Centipede sure did suck. So did Hot Tub Time Machine (cuz you know, the title held such promise) and A.I. Actually I think A.I. was so bad that I subconsciously boycotted Speilberg until j"

13 years, 1 month ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Count Me In (highly anticipated films - Xanadon't) (26 movies items)

"I think you're the only person I know, however, who doesn't have Dark Knight Rises among your anticipated films. I'll go see Dark Knight Rises at the theaters if there isn't anything else unseen comp"

13 years, 1 month ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
My First TV Crushes (10 person items)

"but really if I wanted 'good-old-boys have'n trouble with the law' I could just look at my family tree. Fucking hilarious! Don't worry about your crush on Lion-O. The very first TV crush I can remem"

13 years, 1 month ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Most Anticipated Films of 2012! (13 movies items)

"Great list, love your comments! Ha, especially your askance treatment of Nolan! And this is the VERY FIRST mention I've seen of Only God Forgives. Seeing as Drive was my personal favorite film of 2011"

13 years, 1 month ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Movie journal - January 2012 (21 movies items)

"Never seen Mad Max, but I will say that the first time I watched the original Saw, Seven was the first movie to come to mind. I do think the makers of Saw were trying to evoke a good deal from Seven o"

13 years, 1 month ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Movies the giraffe watched: January 2012 (19 movies items)

"Yep, Tucker and Dale was quite a nice little surprise. Happy that you thought so highly of it. Hobo... well, it's the kind of movie that I think would play better on the big screen at a midnight show"

13 years, 1 month ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Movie Exchange Program - The Listal Group (35 movies items)

"Ha, I thought the December 2012(???) was cuz, you know, the Mayan thing. Anyway, this sounds great!"

13 years, 1 month ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Movie Diary 2012-01 [January] (25 movies items)

"Glad you enjoyed Night on Earth! Never even heard of Permanent Vacation. Looks like I better check it out! So, am I to understand that you didn't make it through A Serbian Film? Yikes, I don't know i"

13 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Movies the giraffe watched: January 2012 (19 movies items)

"Yay! Monthly formats make me happy! (Do it drugs. C'mon! You know you want to. Everyone's doing it. - Ha, see, it's ironic. I'm peer pressuring drugs.) Anyway, yep dig the format. Love the NIN refer"

13 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
The Cinephile's Film Journal: 2012 (330 movies items)

"Seems we came down on almost the exact same opinion of Tucker and Dale vs. Evil. And you guys have got my attention with your City Island endorsements."

13 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Amazing Horror Films (Updated) (67 movies items)

"Yep, some real winners on this list. A number of my favorites are all here!"

13 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Watched In 2012 (366 movies items)

"Been meaning to watch Goodbadwierd for quite some time now. Glad to see you enjoyed it. I went through a minor Bergman kick last year, but didn't sit down with The Seventh Seal. I ought to correct th"

13 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Movie journal - January 2012 (21 movies items)

"Oh my. Two views of A Serbian Film! I'm afraid to watch it once. If you found Chop too short, you'll probably be a tad annoyed at Tucker and Dale vs. Evil's brisk 80 minute run time. But it's a fun "

13 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Horror Movies I Own (110 movies items)

"Impressive collection! I've seen 61 of them, but only own a handful. Nice job owning Nosferatu, Dog Soldiers, and The Brood! Probably not a lot of people out there that can say they own all three of t"

13 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
2011 At the Movies (50 movies items)

"Hey cool, I saw exactly 50 different films in theaters this year!"

13 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
top male perfomances 00's (35 person items)

"Great list! I'm really having trouble finding much to disagree with here. Especially glad to see Michael Fassbender's turn in Hunger."

13 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
2011 by star rating (118 movies items)

"Glad you enjoyed Young Adult and took away more from it than I expect many will."

13 years, 2 months ago