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Xanadon't commented on a list
Movies my daughter watched multiple times - 2012 (27 movies items)

"Also only seen once, but she talked about Jack Frost through the end of the year. Odds are we'll see this one again in 2013. Me too. To all of it, actually."

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
My 2012 movie year in review (79 movies items)

"Gah! Another project that I enjoyed last year, but just haven't had time to do! Glad to see your 2012 wrap up. Impressive year of movie watching, I must say! Both in terms of quality and quantity. Nic"

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Movies the giraffe watched: January 2013 (28 movies items)

"Okay, so way behind on movies, listal, and life in general. But I'm glad to see that you've been cruising into the new year with all kinds of lists, creativity, movie watching, and journal keeping. So"

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Most anticipated films of 2013 (37 movies items)

"An acquaintance of mine caught Lords of Salem at TIFF last year and the reports back were largely positive. A curious, creepy, entertaining, atmospheric, and ambitious horror flick in the vain of The "

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Listal's 100 Films To See Before You Die (2013) (100 movies items)

"Oh man. If there's one thing I hate more than anything it's when a Finn comes around and reminds me that I still need to seek out Sunrise and that The Double Life of Veronique still sits on my shelf u"

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
2012 Films - Best to Worst (34 movies items)

"Lots of great stuff here! Especially glad to see you saw and enjoyed Perks, Holy Motors, and Ruby Sparks!"

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
2012 at the Movies - Xanadon't (56 movies items)

"I don't see the relevance of something adapted from a work of fiction being historically wrong. Did you see the film? Because "bland" strikes me as the last adjective suitable to the film, even if one"

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
2012 at the Movies - Xanadon't (56 movies items)

"Average rating of all movies watched in theaters in 2012: 7.55/10 Last year: 7.1/10 More support for my theory that this was a better year for films than 2011."

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
2013 - Five by Five (124 movies items)

"@jaytoast- I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to sink your battleship! @the giraffe- Ah! I see what happened. If you want, you can totally steal it back while I'm not looking. I'd be happy to brainstorm"

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
2013 - Five by Five (124 movies items)

"If anyone has problems finding a film I've recommended, you might check with me & see if I have a copy to lend (because most of my recs I own). I also wanted to mention that I too own a number of the"

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
2013 - Five by Five (124 movies items)

"Okay, couple of minor changes-- jaytoast: replaced My Life Without Me with Damsels in Distress. Why I apparently wanted to turn you into a suicide case for a moment there, I have no idea. I'm sorry. I"

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
My 2012 Favorites - Xanadon't (34 movies items)

"@xxixii- Never read the novel, so I can't relate to the film on those grounds. But on its own, I think the multiple roles from the same actors was one of the film's charms. Yep, Snowtown is toward th"

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
My 2012 Favorites - Xanadon't (34 movies items)

"Happy to hear someone else enjoyed Hysteria. It's gotten pretty luke-warm responses for the most part, which is strange to me. Aside from the over-done courtroom scene I don't much know how to have ma"

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Worst Movies of 2012 - Xanadon't (10 movies items)

"Yes, I'm sure you're right. But I don't make a habit of watching crap. So from what I did see..."

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
2012 by star rating (so far) (99 movies items)

"Hello. My name is Jealous McJealousson. I hail from Envy Island. A small patch of land enclosed by water located about 35 miles off the coast of BitterThatIHadToWorkWhileYouWatchedDjangoUnchained-ista"

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Worst Movies of 2012 - Xanadon't (10 movies items)

"*edit* The above conversation has been stripped of any context since I removed Salmon Fishing in the Yemen from it's original #10 spot in order to make room for Ted, a much much worse movie."

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
2013 - Five by Five (124 movies items)

"Hey cool! I just learned how to do This!! I'll be using it with obnoxious frequency for the next 3 or 4 months. Okay, so didn't get to give this quite as much thought as I'd maybe like. But... holida"

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
2013 - Five by Five (124 movies items)

"This is looking great! Okay, so I've got my rough draft all drawn up and... Gah! Phillydude already recommended Diabolique to Mackenzi! And Gah!! lotr23 already recommended Say Anything for Phillydud"

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Worst Movies of 2012 - Xanadon't (10 movies items)

"Yep, I saw that. It's baffling. There's no question that Bernie should've gotten the nomination in front of Salmon Fishing. And I would've rather seen the actress nomination go to Greta Gerwig for her"

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Cinema: Best of 2012 (37 movies items)

"Here's my ranking from the currently 20 movies on this list that I've seen: 1. Seven Psychopaths 2. The Master (as it stands these are my 4th and 5th favorite movies of the year, respectively) 3. Arg"

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Top 10 worst movies 2012 (10 movies items)

"Also I think that- like me- for the most part you try to avoid things that are obviously going to be complete garbage. For example, I also gave Skyfall a 6/10. It's on your list partly because you hav"

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Worst Movies of 2012 (50 movies items)

"Do you get paid to watch these?"

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Worst Movies of 2012 - Xanadon't (10 movies items)

"Ah, and you may notice that my Worst of 2012 list is up, but my Best of 2012 list isn't. This is because I don't plan to see any more bad movies for the rest of the year, but I'm still hoping for a co"

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
DVDecember 2012 (28 movies items)

"Ah glad to see you enjoyed The Secret in Their Eyes! Best Foreign Language Winner doesn't always equal something that truly impresses me. But in this case I felt I definitely got my money's worth! Ye"

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Random Thoughts on Random Films - by Xanadon't (15 movies items)

"Usual Suspects, Seven n American Beauty are brilliant! I hated American Beauty. And I don't consider either of the other two to be brilliant."

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Amazing Underrated Obscure Bizarre Films PART 12 (50 movies items)

"Oh, and only seen 5 others. Glad you saw something in Tape. I dug it, for what it was. Happy to hear more good things about Room 237- excited to get my hands on that one. And I really should follow up"

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Amazing Underrated Obscure Bizarre Films PART 12 (50 movies items)

"My favorite Hitchcock by far. And just like that, you got my vote! I've seen 30 or so of Hitch's movies and Notorious I 100% agree."

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Dear Cinema Diary - Vol 3 E9a - etc 2012 (76 movies items)

"Your positive response to Man on a Ledge comes as quite a shock to me... maybe I'll reconsider the utter lack of interest in it that I took away from the trailer all those months ago. Ah, I see that "

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
2012 by star rating (so far) (99 movies items)

"So, I liked more than half of it half as well as I would like, and I liked less than half of it half as well as it deserves. If that makes sense to you. Ha! Spoken like a true hobbit :) Really enjoy"

12 years, 2 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Trilogies & Series - Personal Tracking List (129 movies items)

"A lot of stuff I haven't heard of here; or simply hadn't realized was but one entry into a larger trilogy- like the Red Curtain trilogy. Like it!"

12 years, 2 months ago