"I hear what SuperAmanda is saying, though I'd argue with 12 Angry Men (Which, btw, last I checked, is leading listal's Best Movie of the 50's list). And Oldboy has upward of 1000 people who have 'watc"

"Love it. What a cool tribute to my (and possibly your?) favorite art-form. Nicely done!"

"Nice collection of images. So many that I was waiting to see here, only to scroll down and find them included! Gotta say though, I had the exact same reaction as phillydude regarding Taxi Driver. I"

"Nice! The order of our rankings differ quite a bit. But then again I find (as you allude to) that anytime a rewatch a Coen bros. film my esteem for it grows and moves up the list. It's like a constant"

"Only seen 55 of them. Guess I'm movie-illiterate."

"Ha! Cool list. Don't know if you're taking suggestions but here's a couple that came to mind: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qMf_rbydvg Also there's a great one in Goodfellas that I couldn't find a"

"Well I've seen just over half of them! Not bad, but LOTS of catching up to do. Some great films here. Interesting and pretty cool that you chose Thirst as your film for 2009."

"Wow, I can tell a lot of work and research went into this list. Interesting. Nice job!"

"Great job here! Any suggestions as far as where to start for someone who has never seen a Lithuanian film before?"

"Only seen 5 of these so far, but a number of them I've wanted to check out for a while. Lots I've never heard of too! If you're interested: http://www.listal.com/list/my-top-french-language-films"

"Wow, how on earth have you tracked all these down? Very cool that you've seen all these!"

"Wow, you've watched some crazy stuff! I LOVED Tetsuo and need to track down the second one. (I've got the third waiting). Men Behind the Sun was a tough watch for sure. Not sure if I could handle Flow"

"@ Succubi-- Ah, you must be talking about Book of Fate, tagged on IMDB as action/horror/sci-fi, Western, fantasy. Added! Thanks!"

"@CRza- I thought about including Vampyr because the Dreyer is Swedish. But since it's shot and produced in Germany and it's a German-language film I decided it can't really be considered a Swedish fil"

"Dunno how I haven't stumbled upon this list yet... but great job! Love your Edward Scissorhands comment! Very unconventional choice for best animation. Aristocrats just doesn't get a lot of play does "

"Great list, and great write-up on the artists. Cool reading about the way your musical tastes have taken shape! Indeed Eminem knows how to toss out rhymes, no matter what anyone says. Cool to see that"

"Hey cool!! You watched Dark City!! And partly because of me! Awesome. Glad you found plenty to enjoy. It became my favorite movie when I saw it during its theatrical run, and still remains one of my f"

"@ drugs- Cool, I'm glad you liked it. My monthly movie journal lists are my favorite to make and keep up, and when anyone else finds them helpful or enjoyable it's definitely a bonus! I here you on th"

"Thanks for the feedback guys! @drugs- my impressions on Sauna (and Room 205, for that matter) can be read here: http://www.listal.com/list/monthly-movie-journal-august-2011 "

"P.S. Goodfellas was released in 1990, so that's one you could've ruled out even more easily. I think your choice or Raisers probably stands up. I can't think of a better suited picture, actually. Bl"