"Yep, sometimes mother does indeed know best! Glad you loved that film like I did. One of my favorites that I've watched all year. And you're right about much of the scenario being unbelievable, but st"

"If afterward you want to give everybody one "Vote Against" ticket, I'd be happy to use it..."

"13 Assassins was VERY good, and I'll likely watch it again soon with my girlfriend, since she didn't get to see it the first time! Have fun with Hobo :)"

"The only ones that just don't feel right to me are your selections for the 80's and 2000's. Ha, but then again, I'm having trouble choosing more definitive titles for each at the moment. Nice choices!"

"Mighty fine list! Love the flag/origin/language job!"

"Great list. I've seen 9 of 'em, all of which I enjoyed to various degrees, and have been meaning to check out a few others. LOTS I've never heard of though, and this list will be a great tool for find"

"Great list! You definitely have to add the beautiful and Russian Anastasia to the list!"

"I remember a great rip on Fred Durst delivered by Trent Reznor. Can't recall the specifics, but something about a surfboard, someone's lap, and an asshole. Hmmm. Rolling Stone magazine, years ago I th"

"Glad to see great comic-horror doesn't break the fast! Are there other criteria that you specifically have to avoid? Because I can recommend you a number of movies with a "No Nudity of Any Kind" guara"

"Great list and commentary. Happy to see Marge up near the very top!!"

"Cool. Destiny has been in my Instant Queue for months! Better check it one of these days."

"Cool! Here's one for ya that I'm personally (even if mistakenly) excited for! http://www.listal.com/movie/11-11-11"

"Great mix of films here, several that I love and have seen multiple times. Welcome to listal!"

"Congrats on finally seeing The Terminator and properly watching T2! Huh, a Uwe Boll flick with a 6.4 imdb rating? Who'd have guessed? And a 10/10. You'll have to excuse me if I'm skeptical, but I jus"

"Priceless! In the running for funniest list I've come across here."

"Holy hell dude, that's a lot of concerts. And a lot of albums. And a lot of love for music. Way to go man. Well, glad to know that of all the shows you've seen, I too have seen your favorite live act "

"@lotr23-- well I've seen Beginners since you left your comments, and I'm happy to say that I loved the film. Everything in it just really WORKED for me. But I appreciated it a pretty personal way, as "

"For August: Ooo, The Broken and Frozen are both satisfying little horror movies that found ways to stand out from the crowd. So I'll give them an unwarranted, but spirited #1 and #2 votes (respective"

"French film "He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not" starring that Audrey Tatou definitely qualifies here. I didn't like it much, but most people seem to."

"Very excited to see Dark City and eXistenZ make this list! Both great films and I hope you find the chance to sit down with them. Dark City is one of my all time favorites-- Sci-fi or otherwise. And i"

"Oh, and there's Run, Lola, Run of course. And if memory serves me at all... Sliding Glass Doors?"

"The Adjustment Bureau, as far as new titles go. I'm drawing a blank on others right now..."

"Great list! Agree with a number of the best/worsts."

"Thanks for linking me the trailer for Rampo Noir. Definitely looks like something I'd like to see, despite your warnings here :) Salo has been subject of conversation quite a bit and I think I've fi"

"Thanks for the love, bro! Happy to see you did one of these lists of your own after giving jaytoast a hand with his! These are great!"