"Great job man! Of your top 25 never seen The Hunger, Monster Squad, House, or any of the Friday the 13th or Halloween sequels. Been so long for a couple of the others (especially Pet Cemetery) that I'"

"Kinda surprised not see Magnolia here actually. Of all the major release looong movies that came out that year (including, but not limited to, I'm sure: The Green Mile, The Hurricane, The Insider) it'"

"Nice choices. 6 or 7 titles that made my list too. And several that I haven't seen in so long that I just don't know. Once Upon a Time in America is the one that I really didn't like very well that t"

"Yep, I've been meaning to watch Double Idemnity forever now. I've only seen 4 Billy Wilder films, but I've really enjoyed all of them. The Treasure... along with African Queen are two that I've been"

"Oh, I don't know. For one thing Kubrick is a taste I haven't fully acquired yet, if I'm honest. For another I felt that much of the satire present in the book didn't quite come off on screen. Instead "

"Feels like I've been waiting for the Voltron movie to come out forever. (announced July, 2005... a full two years before Transformers took over multiplexes everywhere) Not sure what the status is now"

"Blood Simple and Red Rock West just came to mind for possible inclusion."

"Pretty! Titles to consider: The Secret Window (though I didn't think much of it) The Number 23, The Game, Conspiracy Theory (Been so long I've no idea if it actually qualifies. No urge to revisit and"

"YES!! Never Better. The more I listen to it, the more fitting the title seems! Really isn't a track I don't like on that one. Definitely have a spot in my heart for Low Light Low Life. Great song, but"

"Haha, I still don't own The Slip, but I remember the first time I stumbled across that video a while back. I remember thinking, "Wow, this song sucks. Is the whole album like this?" and "Wow, there ar"

"Oh man, if it wasn't for our mutual love for NIN I'd own zero of these. Shameful, I know. I don't think Excellent Italian Greyhound made your favorite album names list, but it just made mine ;) Anoth"

"Yep. More and more stuff I've never heard of. I was afraid of this. *sigh* Nice choice off Show Your Bones. And that's a great track from The Roots."

"I'd add Beautiful Girls to the above suggestions."

"Still need to go back and pick up that Metric album. I can't listen to Right Where it Belongs without getting chills. As much as I've been enjoying underground hip-hop over the last several years, I"

"Only seen 7 of them, but a number on my 'to do list'. Have you seen Antichrist yet? Or how bout Cronenberg's Crash?"

"Thanks for putting The Sting on my radar! Look forward to all your coming attractions. The 4 I've seen are all relatively fresh in my mind. Looks like we'll be comparing notes on Network this month!"

"Glad you found lots to enjoy about Everything Must Go. I went into that one shamelessly biased, I'll admit, huge Raymond Carver fan that I am. I'll have to rewatch it and pay more attention to the mus"

"Okay, clearly I need to get on board with Saul Williams. If he's good enough for you AND Trent Reznor then where the fuck have I been? Ha, actually I count two artists on this list that have shared a "

"Digging this Cursive song as I type this! Band I've heard a bit about hear and their, but never bothered to check out. Man, that guys voice sounds familiar though... is there something else I may know"

"Awesome, awesome, awesome. I've already spent a good bit of time with years 2000 and 2001. Ha, not looking like I'm gonna get that movie in before bed..."

"Haha! "...but it's certainly no worse for it." in regards to Thursday. Love it! Nice choice for Gorillaz. One of those bands I didn't like liking for a while, but have since found it far easier and m"

"Holy hell, are we in for a treat with these lists if the strength of this first one is any indication! Great work here. Thrilled to see At the Drive In at number one. Awesome that you saw them before "

"Cool list! I also read that David Lynch love Ingmar Bergman's Hour of the Wolf. Don't remember where I read it though...damn."

"Great collection of pics! Ha, I'll be honest, I hate that damn picture of Jennifer Aniston. But plenty others here that are awesome!"

"Looks like your not quite done yet, but I can already see we have some very similar tastes. Check my list if you like! http://www.listal.com/list/personal-favorites-decade-70s I've yet to see The Fre"

"I foresee great things in your future..."