"Nice job. Still need to go back and watch Trick r' Treat. The first attempt was interrupted by a two day power outage from a freak snow storm. Was about 30 minutes in, then *zap* no more power. Glad"

"Oh yeah! Check out Drive still holding strong onto #1!"

"Thanks for the boxquote homie! Ha, glad to see you LOVED The Others. I've been told by certain people that that movie just didn't work for them. Truth. But I don't understand it. I guess complete spla"

"Oh and er, um, yes, I'm glad you enjoyed The Pit and the Pendulum."

"Holyshitholyshitholyshit! Zombie vs. shark! Awesome! I'm bumping it up the queue NOW."

"Goodfellas and Fargo in the top 5, right where they belong! Nice. Lots of great picks here, and a number that I wouldn't have expected."

"Ha, I generally don't watch TV and own very few television dvds. But I do have the first 3 seasons of Earl, oddly enough so you get my vote!"

"Great choices, and a number that I still need to see. Have you seen Notorious (1946)? It's not only my favorite Hitchcock film, but possibly my favorite movie of all time."

"Great Debbie Harry pics! And glad you didn't overlook Will Smith!"

"Nice work! I'd personally like to see Skinny Puppy and KMFDM added to the Industrial Metal list. It would flesh that category out nicely. But you'd have to back it up to the early/mid 1980s."

"In: The Passion Of The Christ (2004) Apocalypto (2006) Seriously?! Who the hell is campaigning for nutty p.o.s. Mel Gibson over there? And at the cost of Princess Mononoke! Something is seriously wr"

"Wow! Awesome work here. Thanks for posting! I'm up to 59 of them. And there's only one or two that I'm opposed to seeing, so I should be able to knock of the vast majority over time."

"Oh, and obviously you've already got a pretty full plate, but Eden Lake is a nasty little number that's really good that you may want to give a look into."

"Oh my. I've really been out to lunch lately if I'm only now sitting down with this list! New horror lists are supposed to be my favorite! Clearly I need to get my head right and re-prioritize some thi"

"Glad to see you loved Drive and Attack the Block as much as I did, and great write ups all around. Especially found your comments about Insidious interesting and insightful, even if I was a bit more f"

"Hey man, glad to see you've been busy knocking out some 70's horror films! I recently missed a local screening of Dr. Phibes (the good one) cuz I had to work :( lame. so yeah, still haven't seen it. "

"Ah yes, glad you got a chance to see Submarine! Certainly one of the stronger efforts of the year so far. In a good year it probably wouldn't make my top 10, but jeesh, the way things have been going "

"Samara still scares the shit out of me."

"This is one helluva list! Beautiful. Great job!"