"Lots of queue fuel here! How did I miss 'Novocaine' for example? Good to see Vampire Hunter D and Shadow of the Vampire get some love here. Shadow made my 2000 list, as I didn't realize it was actuall"

"Ooo, the best-of lists have arrived! Between our actual lists and runners up, we share 9 titles in common! Ha, but there's a pretty big difference in opinion on a couple of your other movies, whic"

"I can see you put lots of work and thought into this. Turned out great! Very cool way to show people what you're all about! And that Violent Femmes story is a riot!"

"Great looking list...impressive mix of films, and a few surprises thrown in which is always nice. I WILL watch Mother by month's end, so expect to find my reaction in my February movie diary somet"

"Great job. I've been meaning to create my own Academy Award style list sometime before the Oscars and have been catching up on alot of 2010 releases over the last week or so. I keep thinkin I wann"

"Happy to see The Puffy Chair included here!"

"Been meaning to get around to watching Waltz with Bashir for some time now. Glad to see it went over well with you."

"Wow, I feel really uncultured right now... I haven't seen a single one of these. A good number of them have been on my 'to do' list for a while though. I'll have to keep this list in mind when I next "

"Yep :) Ah well. Most people seemed to enjoy this one. I'm genuinely glad that you're among them and sorry that I'm not. But I guess that's how it goes sometimes. Cheers!"

"Some great choices hear. "Humpday" was an honorable mention on my list at one time, but eventually got bumped. Nice surprise to see it praised here though! "Star Trek" finally made my list too, aft"

"Hmmm lots here I haven't seen either. Time to fill the already bloated movie queue! We came down on very differently on "Funny Games" though. Haven't seen the Hanake(?) version though. You?"

"Yikes, "Caligula" huh? Thanks for watching that one so I don't have to. Like you, I've been curious, almost talked myself into it once, then backed off the idea. Now I know for certain. Cool. Yeah,"

"Been excited to see Howl ever since it release to about 4 theatres across the U.S. Haven't been able to get my hands on it since it hit DVD, but plan to fix that soon. Glad to hear its as good as I ho"

"Hmm, lots I still haven't seen here. Looks like a great mix of films though."

"Nice to see Grace Kelly at the top where she belongs...not to put her on the pedestal she bemoaned in 'High Society' or anything :) Great list!!"

"Ha, never heard of that WWWWV, but somehow it just came up in conversation last night. Did you guys know that's a real tattoo on that guy's back...wierd. Anyway, very impressive list Johan!"

"Teddy Ruxpin was my home-boy...and for some reason Jem lived in my radiator."

"Always good to see someone watch and enjoy "The Passion of Joan of Arc"."

"Benny's Video is a German film by the Micael Haneke, the same director who did "Cache" and "Funny Games". Tough watch, but effective and good. One False Move surprised me a bit... brave movie and very"

"Ha, our lists are book-ended with the same two films! My 1992 Favorites I forgot "Bitter Moon" existed, and never heard of L627. Nicely done, sir!"

"My gawd, the made a Maltese Falcon sequel. I guess nothing is sacred."

"I can get behind most all of these, at least the 9 I've seen. Great call on Roman Holiday and Charade. Been meaning to watch Philadelphia Story for a while.."

"Ha, yeah Kenneth Branaugh directing Thor got quite an eye-brow raise from me too. We shall see i guess. Share your excitement for a number of these. Gotta say though, there's a pretty awful lookin"

"Wow. You've been busy! I've watched exactly 5 movies so far this year cuz 'other stuff' keeps getting in the way...and it's starting to make me grumpy! Glad to see you also really liked The Extra "

"awesome, awesome list. I'll definately check back on this in the future. Love that you included the largely unseen but quite good "Zero Effect" "Tape" "Swimming Pool" here. Been meaning to watch ""

"Any one else surprised by "Sin City" getting the highest IMDB rating of 2005? Pretty much every other top rating getter is about what I'd expect."