"Great list! Glad to see you liked Stay so much! Just watched that one (twice) last month, myself! And very cool that you were able to enjoy Repo! The Genetic Opera. That movie doesn't get enough love."

"Oh, and definitely check out Jacob's Ladder. I really like The Ninth Gate too, but I seem to be in somewhat of a minority on that."

"Dude, these are some GREAT posters! Love the list. Clearly I need to catch up with Cemetery Man! Glad I'm not alone in my fondness for Sleepy Hollow. I know a lot of people who really didn't like tha"

"Ah yes, the month-long horrorfest is underway! I'll be checking in on this periodically. Lots of titles I've enjoyed and lot's I'm curious about! I highly recommend Behind the Mask- just watched it la"

"So far so good on your quest to 31! I find a 'sick' day mid-way through the month helps pad the numbers and put you in prime position for the final week or so! G'luck and I'll be checking back in lat"

"Ooo, maybe I need to put everything else I've got lined up on hold and check out Cinema Pardiso! Thanks for the heads up! Aw man, it's becoming evident that I'm not gonna get everything I wanted to i"

"Never saw Episodes II or III. That's how bad I hated Phantom Menace. Never watched the new Indy either. Dude if Platinum Dunes fucks up TMNT I'm not gonna be happy. Thanks for sharing your pain wit"

"Nice job! From the top four entries I was beginning to think this was a list about peoples' backs."

"Great job! Thanks especially for bringing Deliver Us from Evil to my attention."

"Okay, real quickly before I head off to bed myself... Oh good goodie good I'm so glad you enjoyed eXistenZ! That movie is a real trip and not for everyone, but I'm still shocked at it's modest rating"

"Well, as of now Drive holds an 8.7 rating with a little over 11,000 voters. Hopefully it holds strong, as it is in fact the best wide-release film of this so far dismal year."

"YES! Very well done my friend. I'll certainly be coming back to this one to spend further time with it. Great, great Doomtree pick! Quickly, a couple artists I think you may find interest in: Gym Cl"

"Inception- totally agree. We rated it the same. Dark Knight- Absolutely agree. I even rated it slightly lower. American History X- I liked it, but it's been a long time. Social Network- same rating..."

"I had the exact same reaction with Feast! I can't believe how well that film gets talked about in horror circles. Utter disappointment. But while Friday the 13th may be overrated, I thought it was a g"

"Hey, so I've got some suggestion for Dali movie tips: An Andalusian Dog- He was one of the 2 writers of the film and Alfred Hitchcock's Spellbound. Salvador Dali did the art direction for an entire s"

"Great list. Lots of shared titles with mine as well. Very glad to see Black Christmas, along with of course Jaws, The Wicker Man, TCM, Alien and others. Guess I've got to look into When a Stranger Cal"

"Wow, you've been busy! Lots of stuff here that I'll look into as Halloween is just around the corner! Glad to see Fear(s) of the Dark here! First time I've encountered it on listal! One of those movi"

"Totally 100% agree with What Doesn't Kill You and Open Water. I consider both of them great films that haven't received the appreciation they deserve. High Tension was good, but definitely not my favo"

"Whoa, I totally have to look into We Jam Econo. I actually don't know much of anything about The Minute Men, other than hearing a band or two talk about how they were an influence, but this sounds ver"

"Damn johan! If I didn't know that you've also seen TONS of great, timeless masterpieces from various eras, cultures, and genres of film I'd think you were the silliest guy around. Honestly, I don't kn"

"Oh, holy shit, how did I not mention The Sentinel earlier? Wendel is right! You GOTTA see that one!"

"Some nice ones here. The final scene of Life is Beautiful comes to mind right away."

"Great list! Like how you included your ranking of the film within its respective year! My 1-4 seem to rotate between Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Goodfellas, and Casino. I enjoy Mean Streets too, but jus"

"Great selection! I'm a bit more liberal with my 10/10 ratings, but this is a mighty fine collection of 37 films."

"Ha, yeah scratch Vince Vaughn, no problem. Go with Joel or Ethan Coen. Hell, don't know why I didn't think of that in the first place!"

"Oops, and yeah as far as unseens... Movies I would recommend come October (or of course earlier if you like) are The Changeling and Sleepaway Camp- so far as 'traditional' horror goes. Videodrome, Dea"