"@ lotr23- Thank you! And yes a "settings" options for the front page similar to what we check when we choose to "follow" somebody would be kinda neat. One problem though would be that even if one were"

"Still some work to do, but I'll get there! Picks for each decade are of course subject to change as I watch more films. And maybe someday I'll watch a pre-1920s move :)"

"Huge Hitch fan. Awesome job here. Love that you include the time in each respective film!"

"Amy Adams shockingly underused?! That's bad news. What the hell were they thinking? Hmm, that may knock this down to a wait for the DVD movie for me."

"Okay, I've officially (and finally) added Shutter to my "want to watch" list. Good call on Aliens/Alien!"

"Not sure when the Descendents is getting a screen near me, but I'll definitely be giving it a look (for pretty much the same reasons that went to see it.) Well articulated and fair treatment of Fore"

"Ouch, too bad about A Dangerous Method! I'll certainly be seeing it for myself of course. Hmm, we'll see if I can't find something more to take away from it. Glad to see you enjoyed Restless about as"

"Dude, so glad you loved the Bogosian! So glad you caught it before it left! And thanks for the heads up- I may have to revisit it before it leaves. Good observation about the similarity in tone/mater"

"Wow, you've covered a lot of ground here! I've only seen 31 of the 69 films, and a few so long ago they barely count (Mad Max, Five Easy Pieces, Close Encounters). Great list, and nice to see some va"

"'Wildean' surprises me, especially as I'm something of an Oscar Wilde fan."

"Don't know if you've seen The Rum Diary yet, but I just caught it a couple days ago and it's definitely safe to add it to the list!"

"Little surprised not to see Barbara Steele here. But awesome that he thought to include Pat Priest. I watched an episode of the Munsters a couple months ago and fell in love all over again."

"Right there with ya on Gangs of New York. Far,far,far from my favorite Scorsese effort and I didn't think Diaz well well-suited for the role either. Glad you found some things to make it worth your wh"

"I adamantly disagree with one or two of these, but always good to see some readers around here!"

"Um. Not sure how I've missed this list for so long. Hope you catch up with Mars Attacks! soon. It's a lot of fun and a better film than its ratings suggest."

"Seen 8 of em. Didn't care for Drop Dead Gorgeous. Found it a bit to one-note, one-joke, but dug the rest. Love your comments on Drive! Absolutely teeming with style, that one. I've got two different"

"Only seen 7 of these so far, but of those not a stinker in the bunch. A number of titles here I've been meaning to get around to, and lots I've never heard of. Love these lists!"

"Meh, okay why not? Here goes, from my rather narrow sense of taste and general music knowledge, and in no particular order except for your purposes: 1. Ramones 2. R.E.M 3. Rolling Stones 4. Pearl Jam"

"Hey cool! You've got the 50 Horror Classics DVD collection too?! I picked it up at the beginning of the month for ten bucks! Came across it on a whim at Target and simply HAD TO HAVE IT!! Didn't ment"

"Well let's see how Halloween month wound-down for you- I count 32 movies- Niiice! I'm very surprised you disliked Carnival of Souls so much. I almost wonder if we saw two different movies! But no, y"

"Glad to see you enjoyed Attack the Block, even if you didn't fall head-over-heels in love with it the way I did. Ooo, I'm excited to see The Skin I Live in. My Spanish isn't strong enough to get more"