"Thought you'd like to know that Eric Bogosian: Wake up and Smell the Coffee is also available on NetFlix instant. It's a dark, brooding solo-performance show that really showcases his talents... lots "

"Oh great, glad you caught up with Frankenweenie and glad to see you enjoyed it! Sure, it's silly but also very endearing. Hmmm... maybe I'll give the 1994 Frankenstein a go. Those instant watch deadli"

"Good looking list man, just as I always expect. Like your intro here and "...frequent celebrations of imagination" is an excellent way to put it. Gilliam has always been a hit & miss director with"

"Ah yes, well done sir! Happy to see Sleepy Hollow toward the top. A lot of people seem to dog that movie but I too definately dug it. Heh, I see that you also couldn't resist including Nightmare... an"

"Some great choices and many I still haven't seen. GLad to see My Life Without Me here. Great movie that doesn't get the attention it deserves."

"Glad to see The Secret in their Eyes here! Fantastic film and one of the very best I've seen in the last couple of years."

"Hahaha, AVP is rated PG-13?!? What the christ were they thinking?? Definately agree with you on a number of these! Particularily I griped about Terminator Salvation being PG-13 for days after I found "

"@the giraffe-- Yep and while Netflix is currently streaming M (the very well-restored Criterion Collection print) there's really no good reason not to check it out. @johanlefourbe-- Yeah, I still "

"Ha, yep. Couldn't bring myself to say 'worst' about anything that's still better than 3 out 4 movies that open on any given weekend. Feel free to use the title at any point if you like... maybe we can"

"Yeah, can't remember how I stumbled upon that one, but watched it for the first time about a year ago. It's a classic ghost/haunted house story that seems to have been influential to movies that have "

"Batman: The Animated Series at #1 automatically earns this list a vote, despite our varying taste otherwise. Greatest cartoon series of all time, and probably the best, most complete imagining of the "

"Ha, what a wierd, touching E.T. story! Well done man! Nice inclusion of Vincent! That one snuck by me when I made my list... "

"Great picks! 5/10 appear on my list too! Still have to catch up with the Elephant Man..."

"Huh, how did I not vote for this already? I've been using it to navigate for weeks!"

"Very well done, and more to the point, tastefully done. A good number of these really surprised me."

"I told myself I wouldn't vote for this list if "The Burning" wasn't on it... good job! "

"Great list and comments. Glad to see Goodfellas in its rightful spot! As always, an interesting well-balanced mix of films and several titles I've never seen."

"We differ quite a bit on a couple of these, but seeing Dark City up here really makes me smile! Great comments. Well done."

"@johan-- Yeah, most people don't think twice about that movie, especially compared to Scorcese's other work. I personally loved it. Loved the energy, chaos, and the wry humor Scorsese treats his belov"

"Well done. I've been meaning to rewatch the Indiana Jones trilogy for some time now. Pretty sure Crusade is my favorite, though I know that's not the common consensus."

"Ha, yeah giraffe, I'm afraid johan is right. Drugstore Cowboy is really really good. Hope you give it another shot. I finally saw it for the first time a couple months ago, not knowing what to expect "

"I hate admitting to people that I've never watched Akira. Ha, especially to you because of your avatar!! I'll have to get on it soon. Nice mix of pics here. Need to see Unbearable Lightness. Don"

"Thanks. Ferris just has an energy to it that I really dug. Also a sweet-hearted, innocent feel that just doesn't come around in comedies much anymore the way they did in the 80's. No where near as gre"