"@ phillydude & the giraffe-- Ah, you see that? And yet, we're able to overcome our differences and all be good friends :)"

"Cool list! Ha, you might be right to avoid Fulci's Zombie. On the other hand, I'd suggest stop worrying about The Human Centipede. I saw the first one. It sucked. A lot. So much that I didn't bother w"

"Fargo is my hands-down favorite of the bunch. From there it kind of rotates depending upon what I've seen most recently. Miller's Crossing is the one that I definitely need to revisit the most. Still "

"Okay, so a rather unexpected two-week interruption in online access has slowed things down considerably this month. But I'm finally back, I'm finally moved into my new apartment, and all is well."

"Oh that's right!- I forgot about the intentions to rewatch our films once we got them back. Nice attention to detail sir! Nice to see that you still very much enjoyed Versus, even if it's fallen out o"

"And now it's time to bring Celine and Jesse back. Ha! I second that motion!"

"I don't understand... they don't let just anybody drive their trucks. But they let just anybody take your packages? Oh sure, they get all bent out of shape if it's their shit. Man, I'd steal the keys "

"Tracked down Sweatbox on your recommendation. Thanks for making me aware of its existence!"

"1.Beckinsale 2.Kunis 3.Portman 4.Cruz 5.Wilde 6.Cotillard 7.Tomei 8.Tatou 9.Judd 10.Perry cool, i know who at least half of these people are this time! "

"@the giraffe- Thanks, received my movies and yours this afternoon. And like jaytoast, the beginnings of my movie journal aren't even on the horizon yet..."

"@phillydude- look to get some mail on Monday!"

"Okay, so. Big Festival Weekend coming up for me which will mean ridiculous hours at work dealing with lots of drunk sunburnt rednecks. Whoo-hoo. And then I leave first thing Monday morning for Minneap"

"Ah and yes, it looks as though for the most part we saw Batman3 in the same light. Except that maybe in my search to find positives about the film I decided I liked Selina Kyle and her role in the fil"

"Huh. Not sure how I missed this list for so long. I've always liked the way Tarantino wears his influences on his sleeve."

"Glad to see you liked Ordinary People so well. It's one of the most under-celebrated Best Picture winners around. There's just a lot of thoughtful, emotional truths going on in that film and in so man"

"Haven't properly watched television in years and years. But since I've been summoned (good to hear from you propelas! Hope you've been well and best of luck finishing up this list- sorry my choices ki"

"Best Exotic has always stuck me as one of those movies that's just overblown by most critics. I've been trying to collect enough real praise for the film from people that I consider credible. I might "

"I'm genuinely excited for you! Hope this turns out to be a fun and rewarding endeavor for you! I've only seen half of what's listed so far, but have plans to sit down with the rest myself. I can't "

"Interesting read. Thanks for putting this together."

"Great work on this! Been so long since I've seen Blade Runner, but now that I finally own a copy I should be rewatching it one of these days soon. Glad that while you're not the Alien fanatic that I a"

"Happy to see this up and running- stopped by yesterday, but only just now have had real time to spend with it. & thought Noomi Rapace did an excellent job of not being Ripley. Ha!, yes- well observe"

"@the giraffe- I'll watch Ichi the day you watch Mulholland. Deal? @Bml93- actually I feel like it was pretty comparable overall to the years on either side. The big difference perhaps is that one did"

"@the giraffe- Ha, yes. I figured that would be your take on it :) In all truth, I'd have to watch it again (been 2 or 3 years now) to really claim it the better, or even favorite film of the two."

"@Bml93- Well it's always tough. These days I'm inclined to put the "two Eds" at number one and number 2, with Big Fish right behind. And really I think that Sweeny Todd is Burton's last great movie an"