"@ the giraffe-- Fantastic. I'll be excited to hear what you think of it!"

"Congrats on your very successful month of June! Hitting 8 different decades is impressive!! I hope you love Casino at least half as much as I do, and I'll be interested to hear your take on the rest!"

"Really great list, and awesome, sometimes delightfully personal, commentary all the way through. I now have lots of new stuff I'd like to check out, and regret how little I've read in the last 3 years"

"Lots of stuff here I've been meaning to see. Glad to see you also loved The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, a movie I watched 3 days ago! It earned a perfect rating from me too! Heh, I forgot that Hatc"

"I'll be back to spend more time with this list, but for now you get my vote, and YES, you should read more Tim O'Brien! I've read everything he's published so far... they're not all great, but a numbe"

"Seems you were kinder toward both First Class and Scream 4, than I was, though I'd rank Xmen above Scream as well. Haven't seen the others on the list, but plan on checking out Source Code. Glad to he"

"Enjoy reading your thoughts on these movies. Keep up the good work!"

"Cool, almost 1/4 of the way there! Looking good!"

"@kohl stoker- Hope you enjoy! @Bml93- Funny you say that because my brother--who is far more difficult than me to please when it comes to movies- really enjoyed The Karate Kid (and I believe even use"

"Glad to see Machete make it. That right there is a film that didn't get enough love."

"Nice work here! Ha, nice to see Xena wasn't forgotten!! Good old 90's cheese with an attitude. Gotta love it! A number of these I'm unfamiliar with, so movie titles somewhere might be helpful. And as"

"Great list! Glad you finally caught up to China Town! A true classic indeed. And my feelings on both Batman films mirror yours. I'll be interested to see your comments on The Elephant Man, a Lynch fil"

"@lotr23-- Thanks man. My girlfriend and I were both pretty frustrated with that movie, rolling our eyes quite a bit in between groans of disapproval. I'll be sure to let you know about Rubber when I c"

"Great choices here friend. You're Beatles comments are great indeed, and perfectly articulated in my opinion. I've gotta hurry up and read Tom Robbins already! Sadly I've never read Rand either... but"

"Nice taste! Public Enemy is a must, and The Roots displays a true sense of appreciation for the art-form!"

"Great list! Mulholland Dr., Old Boy, Thirst, Lebowski, Adaptation, Broken Flowers, Kill Bill, A History of Violence, Cuckoo's Nest-- lots of my favorites here!"

"Not the Bjork track I would've expected you to pick, if only because it's a bit more traditional than much of her stuff (and of course shares vocals with that guy). Still does much to showcase her ran"

"Heh, that's kind of what I want to do to Thom Yorke every time I hear his voice."

"Been a long, long while for me on just about all these titles (or else I haven't seen them at all). But I did watch Predator 2 recently and was mostly disappointed. The script is awful, the humor is o"

"In defense of Shutter Island being seen as "underated"-- While what johan says is spot-on, the film was left off of countless movie critic's top 10 lists and was somehow also forgotten when the Academ"

"I opened this list wondering "Is he gonna remember to include Don't Take Your Guns to Town?" I scrolled down, getting nervous but then you came through at the end. Nice!"

"@ drugs- Thanks! Versatile is a word I've heard used a bit with Lynch, though I've mostly seen his more abstract/mind-fuck movies and not much of his more straight-forward narrative stuff. I hope to s"

"This is awesome! I've seen a number of these (all the Burton, Lynch, and a couple others) and will have to come back to this list when I have more time. Thanks for posting this!!"

"@ the giraffe- Thanks for the input! Gummo kinda screams out to me that I'll hate it, though I can't quite explain why. Probably cuz it seems like some kind of Kids rehash, even that's an unfair/off-t"

"Twice times to the cinema in one month! This calls for a celebration! Ha, glad you found plenty in Thor to enjoy to make it worth your while, even if you didn't walk away from it with quite the same e"