"Can't tell you how happy I am to see A Clockwork Orange listed as your most overrated movie!"

"@phillydude-- Ah, sane people. I love sane people! Well said man, I'm glad you agree!! @m3fk- I hope you enjoy Get Low! If there's one criticism of the film I've come across more than any other it ha"

"Thanks friend! I'm glad you understood that I mean no offense and I try to keep my comments in good fun around here. Cheers!"

"Ha, works for me! And that concludes another exciting chapter of "Movies of our Lives". I'd like to thank all our sponsors for their support, with special mention to listal, johan, lotr, and Xanadon"

"Oh my, how on earth did I miss this for so long?? A really great list and a truly epic side-show encore all in one!! Anyway, fantastic choices here that had me nodding my head in agreement from the mo"

"Alright, Part 2!! Been waiting for this. (And I think making this separate was a good call... they're pros and cons to any approach, but the monthly format suits me because it doesn't feel as intimida"

"@johan-- Hey cool, you guys are getting along better on this movie! And I don't mean that with any disrespect toward either of you. It's always interesting to me how different films play stronger and "

"@lotr23-- Ha, no I definitely took your comments on your list to mean that you did NOT like the movie and were disappointed with it. The "agro" remark was just me having a bit of fun after observing t"

"@johan-- Oh DO track down the 'Up' series if you can! Your instincts are right. It's a really ambitious and awesome film project. And it's one that I even have a few reservations with on principle, bu"

"Frickin' Awesome! Heh, this takes me way back."

"Haha, I very much concur with jaytoast when it comes to Creep! I almost gave it a vote, but figure you may already know my feelings about it from one of my past movie journals. So glad to see jaytoast"

"Wow! This thing is racking up the votes-- and for good reason! Fantastic list man! You covered a ton of ground here. Some really great/original ideas and sources of "love". Also in a sense there was "

"Ah yes, this list certainly couldn't be taken seriously without The Godfather films on it :) Nice job! Elfman deserves any praise and attention he gets too! Dunno if it's your style, but the score fo"

"Cool list! Not sure if you're taking suggestions but It's Kind of a Funny Story my fit well here. Also, the horror-thriller Session 9 if I recall takes place largely in an old asylum."

"Thanks! Oh, I don't feel bad at all, and think this is actually a pretty solid list... it's just that I'm always hungry for more. I'm never fully satisfied that I've seen every great movie released in"

"@lotr23- Cool, well glad that you can empathize with my take on the film and happier still that you took a fair amount of enjoyment from it! @Bml93-- Why thank you! I first heard about it's existence"

"For July: Hmmm, debating whether I want to go with all new votes, or up the points on some that I've already suggested... I think I'll go with all news ones (but only films I've seen) and see how thi"

"Hey, glad to see you're doing a movie journal! I'll be keeping tabs on 'em. Ginger Snaps is definitely one of the more underrated, under-seen horror flicks out there, and one that I really liked. I've"

"Yep, there's certainly some big ones on here. I think I've finally made my mind up that Salo is simply not something I need to see...and yet I'm still curious... Men Behind the Sun might be something"

"Some of these are pretty cool... and then some of them, like The Shining, are fucking awful. Or maybe these style posters are finally beginning to lose their charm on me."

"Wolf Creek at #5 is a fucking travesty, but I guess it would make sense that a group of Australian voters would rank one of their own highly. Some interesting choices all around thought. Thanks for po"

"Great job, and love the sense of fun you had with this one. Some nice examples of pretty individualized tastes/examples and yet I found myself nodding in agreement quite a bit!"

"Well done! You've included a lot of great choices here... some that would make me have to dig deeper than my first instincts if I were to make my own list, so as to remain original ;)"

"Once again, I am shamed... Only seen Godzilla in parts on TV, years and years ago. Been meaning to watch the original House on Haunted Hill for a good decade now. Better get on that. The sub-7.0 IMDB "

"Wow... I haven't seen a single one on the list! (except 'Rope' which isn't any more horror than most any other Hitch suspense film). Shame on me! But The Wolf Man is in my sights, Netflix Instant styl"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Screw Psycho?? I dunno man. Those are bold words ;) But yes, I'm now excited to see The Haunting as well and see how it holds up. Look forward to your comments on the rest of these."