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Xanadon't commented on a list
Magnet Films: Complete List of Titles (60 movies items)

"You're welcome. I debated just making this a "semi-private" list since it's really just a resource for myself. But then you came to mind as one of a few members who may take an interest with it. Cert"

12 years, 10 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Dear Cinema Diary - Vol 3 E4 - April 2012 (63 movies items)

"I'll definitely be interested to revisit Who's That Knocking- One of those films I've only sat down with once and I'm not real sure how long it was between watching it and 'rating' it on listal. The e"

12 years, 10 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
12 years, 10 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
30 days, 30 movies (30 movies items)

"There's just no end to the movies I need to see. Thanks for bringing a couple of these to my attention for the first time!"

12 years, 10 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
My Film Diary Index (28 list items)

"Yep, been meaning to do this for a while. Such a slacker I am. Thanks, I might have altogether missed your Sept 2011 list without it."

12 years, 10 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
A Year of Horror - 2000 - Update V.3 (36 movies items)

"Ooo, I like the "Future Horrors" addition. Good to know which ones I just might be able to provide a 'final push' for. (I'm with the gifaffe on Shadow of the Vampire)"

12 years, 10 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Dear Cinema Diary - Vol 3 E4 - April 2012 (63 movies items)

"I've been meaning to rewatch Dancer in the Dark for some time now... even if just to watch something from Van Trier that agrees with me. So glad you thought so much of Roman Holiday! As I was putting"

12 years, 10 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Dear Cinema Diary - Vol 3 E4 - April 2012 (63 movies items)

"Ah, and now I see that Bahrani did Man Push Cart and that makes perfect sense to me. Guess I better check out Chop Shop."

12 years, 10 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Dear Cinema Diary - Vol 3 E4 - April 2012 (63 movies items)

"Oh excellent! I'd read Ebert's review of Goon last week and was pleasantly surprised, and I'm happy to see here that you share his esteem for it. Not often I do the Amazon rental thing, but I might ha"

12 years, 10 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Song of the week - 2012 (52 music items)

"Too bad about missing the At the Drive In show. I'll have to keep an eye out for a show near me!"

12 years, 10 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Mind-fuck Directors (12 person items)

"I recommend David Cronenberg and Park Chan-Wook. And Michael Haneke. And probably Ingmar Bergman. And if any of those replace Fincher that's even better. Good list so far!"

12 years, 10 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
April Movie Journal - Xanadon't (34 movies items)

"Well, for a lot of people I can see it being a likeable enough film and a refreshing break from "art-house cynicism". But I can't imagine anyone finding it terribly moving or especially noteworthy."

12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Dear Cinema Diary - Vol 3 E4 - April 2012 (63 movies items)

"Ha, yes I can see how a Mission Impossible marathon may not be all it's cracked up to be, drunk or not. In fact I think the series title describes the endeavor itself quite well :) I would hit a major"

12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
April Movie Journal - Xanadon't (34 movies items)

"Well, maybe. I may watch Spider this month as a second Cronenberg feature to pair with The Dead Zone. But as of now I decided on Brainstorm, which makes for a pair of Christopher Walken features. The "

12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Overrated Films (8 movies items)

"Great concise analysis! Keep up the good work and don't let anyone boss you around. Cheers!"

12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
March Movie Journal - Xanadon't (26 movies items)

"Yep, that's creepily uncanny..."

12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Movies the giraffe watched: March 2012 (15 movies items)

"Just realized I hadn't stopped by yet to catch your monthly wrap up. Hopefully one of these days soon I'll find myself in the proper state of mind to sit down with some substantial, thought-provoking "

12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Good Movies With Terrible Legacies (13 movies items)

"This is some of your finest and most astutely observant work yet! Great job! All these things piss me off and it's nice to have my state-of-contemporary-cinema angst validated, while also learning a g"

12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Dear Cinema Diary - Vol 3 E4 - April 2012 (63 movies items)

"Wow! What an impressive start to the month. If I'm lucky I'll have as many titles under my belt by month's end as you have currently. Happy to see that you caught A Separation and enjoyed it so well"

12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Movie Exchange Program - The Listal Group (35 movies items)

"Okay, well that does provide me a bit more peace of mind. And yes, I dare say we had a spectacular vacation! San Juan, Puerto Rico is a lovely and vibrant place- so much so that despite the persistent"

12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Movie Exchange Program - The Listal Group (35 movies items)

"Okay, well back from vacation and to the drudgery of "real" life. Among the little annoyances I've encountered since my return is the troublesome fact that the person who was supposedly stopping by th"

12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Movie Exchange Program - The Listal Group (35 movies items)

"Oops, almost forgot- sent the giraffe's movie off to you, phillydude! ETA Monday."

12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
2012 by star rating (so far) (99 movies items)

"Hmm, certainly had higher hopes for Salmon Fishing... Glad to see your goodwill toward Emily Blunt though. I've become a fan."

12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
March Movie Journal - Xanadon't (26 movies items)

"@the giraffe- Versus very much deserves recognition by movie-lovers for being really great at what it is- an impressive effort of style and creativity on limited resources, not to mention one that's l"

12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Movies the giraffe watched: March 2012 (15 movies items)

"You're right of course- Cooper's rap is horribly lame! But I think the movie itself knows this, hence the response by one of the muppets immediately afterward about how he could've just told them the "

12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Worst of the Worst by The Doctor (93 movies items)

"I simply don't understand why you continued to watch the Children of the Corn films... But yes, lots of crap here, and stuff that looks craptastic. I didn't mind Baseketball as bad as I would've gues"

12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Movie Exchange Program - The Listal Group (35 movies items)

"You're all doing better than I am. I've still got one to watch before shipping the giraffe's movies off to phillydude. And I'd like to say it'll be watched soon, but it's looking like Wednesday night "

12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
the giraffe's favorite zombie movies (18 movies items)

"Great zombie list from the zombie guru himself! Haven't seen nearly enough of them, but nothing I would argue with here! Very nice!"

12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
12 years, 11 months ago