"Congrats on reacquainting yourself with Almodovar! I've been watching his recent films, but think maybe it's time I start from the beginning."

"Well, we have some pretty big differences here and there. (Most notably the fact that Notorious happens to be my favorite Hitch film, and possibly my favorite film of all time. But glad to see that w"

"Holy crap! How have I missed this delightful piece of listal-awesomeness for so long?! Keep up the good work!"

"I too have a tendency to avoid Westerns like the plague. Thing is the few I've seen (really just a couple of Ford flicks and a handful of others) are actually pretty good. It's more that I just *think"

"Oh great! Glad you finally watched Marwencol. What a one-of-a-kind documentary. Definitely one of my very favorite discoveries of the past year/decade/ever."

"@ the giraffe- Received your movies today! And thanks for the NIN bonus gift! I'd forgotten all about that, so happy surprise! Way to go gang! Look at the diligence- all 4 of us on the ball! Movie E"

"Okay well now, after refreshing the page, it's gone. And my comment as I typed it is in it's place. I swear I'm not crazy..."

"Okay... that was extremely strange. I left a comment about Pineapple Express and ^^that^^ happened."

"Yep, and having read your thoughts on it now we definitely experienced Pineapple Express the same way."

"No way can I put these in an order that I'm happy with, so I think I'll save myself the frustration and go alphabetical and try not to repeat authors. 1. Another Country -Baldwin 2. Chilly Scenes of "

"Yay, new list! And wow, what an impressive looking batch of movies watched. LOTS of stuff here that looks interesting, much of which has never flown into my radar until now. How have I never heard of "

"Awesome! So glad to see that you thought so much of both Troll Hunter AND 13 Assassins! I know there have been a handful of films in recent months that I've very much enjoyed that you very much have n"

"Fucking hell, Shia LeDouchbag is in Wettest County? Well that sucks. I'll have to keep an eye out for Gambit since the Coen brothers wrote it. "fish I've dressed up in a hat" hahaha! Okay, gotta go"

"Phenomenal choices and explanations behind them!"

"Oh my, when did this list happen? I'll have to come back when I have more, but great writing here! And love the "one of these" people link! That's awesome. Oh, and I'm pleasantly surprise to see Driv"

"Okay, well based on what the majority of you haven't seen, it turns out that my film-package has taken on something of a B & W theme. So, we've got: Who's That Knocking at My Door? Notorious (Hitch) "

"Hey, no worries! That's actually the least of my difficulties in putting together a 5-film package of stuff you haven't already seen :) You may end up with one film you've already seen, but looks like"

"The 1/2 is going to kill my brain. I tend to agree. I should have a 5-pack put together by this time tomorrow. Ooo, I'm excited!"

"So we'll all need to plan one more package for the rest of the year. Okay, so I'm afraid I'm already a bit confused. My initial impression was that we were all sending out 5 of our own packages per y"

"Why am I a bully? You know I was joking about the Speed thing, right?"

"I feel like I've looked at Them! and moved on more than any other movie on Netflix. Now after reading your thoughts I should really just sit down with it once and for all. Been a long while since I'v"

"How did I miss this list for so long? Nicely done sir! And you're right- who would ever guess that Ice Age is just behind Toy Story?!"

"Inception will drop next year again, as it should. But if it's simply trading places with a flavor of the year conclusion to Nolan's "Epic" saga, well, what have we really gained? Of course, I think "

"Okay, I'm done bitching. Persona at 19 looks pretty good. And it only takes 24 moves to get to a Hitchcock flick, so that's nice. And we've now got Kirusawa in the top 50. And somehow Sunset Blvd. was"

"Wow. We've now got Fincher/Nolan holding 5 of the top 20 spots, while Kane and Taxi Driver have both dropped 22 spots, and Apocalypse plunged 31 spots down to 80. And Saw is now on the list. Can't say"

"Alright! Another Drive fan! When I first saw the film I never would've guessed it would get such positive word-of-mouth. Love it."