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Xanadon't commented on a list
Movies I didn't think I'd like (20 movies items)

"Oh, and the giraffe is absolutely right about Magnolia- everyone is impressive in that movie, Cruise certainly included."

12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Movies I didn't think I'd like (20 movies items)

"Tep, Tangled was a nice surprise, for sure. And it was nice to see that Pixar doesn't completely control the market on quality American family animation."

12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Best of horror (31 movies items)

"Ah, yes. A horror list for the "thinking man". Great taste! Gotta catch up with a couple here, especially Cat People. But seen 21 of 'em."

12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Typical Movie Arguments That Irk Me... (11 movies items)

"Excellent! I'll have to remember to try to check back on this list for any further additions. I'm sure there are one or two other common-place bullshit complaints out there."

12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Possible Oscar winners in 2013 (27 movies items)

"I'm personally completely excited by this flick and I wish Ridley Scott would get some recognition for his tremendous work in the SF genre instead of getting recognition for his boring sandal epic stu"

12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Typical Movie Arguments That Irk Me... (11 movies items)

"Yep, these are all code for "You don't need to ever discuss movies with me again because I don't know shit." And so, I never again bother talking about movies with these people. I'm definitely with j"

12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Movie Diary 2012: March (20 movies items)

"Grace Kelly is my favorite! Glad you like King of Comedy so well! Just bought myself a copy last week, so may have to revisit that one soon!"

12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Dear Cinema Diary - Vol 3 E3 - March 2012 (28 movies items)

"Ha, I don't know what "Archer" is, but I may start watching."

12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Movies the giraffe watched: March 2012 (15 movies items)


12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Movies the giraffe watched: March 2012 (15 movies items)

"As it stands, I feel like I stalked a person briefly with little to show for it. If I were to make a list titled, "Best Closing Lines from Movie Reviews" this, my friend, would place very near the to"

12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Dear Cinema Diary - Vol 3 E3 - March 2012 (28 movies items)

"Are you trying to say that The Life of David Gale was heavy-handed?"

12 years, 11 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
2011 by star rating (118 movies items)

"So just finished writing a few thoughts on Like Crazy, then stopped by to see what you thought of it. Oh boy, did we ever come down differently on the final scene! Hmm... thinking I may have to hop ov"

12 years, 12 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Song of the week - 2012 (52 music items)

"Hey cool! - I just discovered Airborne Toxic Event last month! Been digging that CD."

12 years, 12 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
The worst movies i've ever seen (33 movies items)

"Oh cool! Someone that disliked The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus even more than I did!"

12 years, 12 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
2012 by star rating (so far) (99 movies items)

"Heh, well I clearly enjoyed The Woman in Black more than you did, but the above remark gave me a chuckle too, and I really don't consider it an unfair assessment! Yep, early word on Silent House has "

12 years, 12 months ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Icons of horror (25 person items)

"Impressive list! Many I'm not familiar with. But happy to see some of my own favorites here, and that Barbara Steele made the cut."

13 years ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
My Favorite Lists - lotr23 (50 list items)

"Definitely a number of list here that I really dig as well. And I'll have to come back and spend some time with the ones that are still unfamiliar to me. And of course, happy to see a few of mine inc"

13 years ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
World Cinema - Vol 3 - Listed by Language (11 list items)

"Your efforts on this list series is appreciated! Nice job with these!"

13 years ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Dear Cinema Diary - Vol 3 E2 - February 2012 (34 movies items)

":) I'll stop back over the weekend!"

13 years ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Movies the giraffe watched: February 2012 (18 movies items)

"Hmm, well between your comments and Phillydude's (along with conversations I've had with others in the past) I think Vertigo is one of Hitch's most polarizing films for audiences. A good many people s"

13 years ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
50 Sexiest Female Characters! (50 movies items)

"Actually, yes I dig this list quite a bit! Interesting and thoughtful choices here, even when they're characters that wouldn't appear on my own list. And every time you'd begin to lose me with a coupl"

13 years ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Listal's Top 50 Movies of 2011 (59 movies items)

"@Abhi, No, Drive is just very well liked by a number of people, largely because it's very good. Many others hate it. But either way, it made very little splash in the awards circuit. Moneyball is th"

13 years ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
- My Favorite Films - Romance (14 movies items)

"Oh, I sure do hope you stick with your Valentine's Day picks."

13 years ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Lists I'm following (28 list items)

"Great use of this new feature that I've been mostly (and regrettably) ignoring otherwise!!"

13 years ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Controversial movies I haven't seen (25 movies items)

"Well, I've seen 6 of these: The Last House on the Left: Meh. A long, long ways off from my favorite 70's film, I'll tell you that. It's fairly upsetting, but likely won't traumatize you. Certainly s"

13 years ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Listal's Top 50 Movies of 2011 (59 movies items)

"1. Drive 2. Hugo 3. 13 Assassins 4. Beginners 5. Attack the Block *note- 13 Assassins and Beginners will both read: (2010) next to their titles. But they didn't receive a U.S. theatrical release date"

13 years ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
Movies the giraffe watched: February 2012 (18 movies items)

"I too have been a slacker about the movie exchange films, but I plan to fix that over the weekend :) Happy to see you enjoyed both Spider and Clean, Shaven. I can't decide which of the films I prefer"

13 years ago
Xanadon't commented on a list
It's not what you say but how you say it... (11 movies items)

"Awesome list idea!"

13 years ago