"Rashomon definitely deserves a spot. Inglorious Basterds deserves a spot almost as much as Rashomon. If you don't believe me, try watching it again :) It's really, really good. I'm torn between Gra"

":) Looks like we have the same favorite film of the year so far!!"

"@the giraffe- Yes, I think most sensible people see the value of Empire over the others. Glad you're of that camp. And yes, you'd be wise not to make the same mistake I did by letting Ace in the Hole "

"@lotr23- Heh, sorry man. But just think of all those award-season movies that you caught before I did last fall... Wasn't aware of the controversy over Margaret. Let me know if you were able to view "

"A personal favorite, and not just because you get to see Anna Faris get killed. Lots of great list notes, but I feel like this one deserves special recognition! LOL! Good gosh, I really need to sit "

"Ouch... Well Notorious is my personal favorite Hitchcock film and strong contender for my favorite film of all time, as you probably know by now. So yes, that one stings a bit, but I won't fault you "

"@the giraffe-- thanks, I've been meaning to go back and revisit your comments on the Dollars trilogy now that I've watched 'em. Yep, I've always wondered if it's just me, but I tend to think I good ma"

"Wow, top honors for Insidious! Glad you like it so well. I had a lot of fun with that one too, but remember having some complaints about the last third of the film... I plan on rewatching it to see wh"

"Oh, and your thoughts on Magnolia describe the film perfectly. Glad you found it so impressive!"

"Nice choice on rewatching The Changeling. Reminds me, I ordered that damn movie from Amazon sometime back and it still hasn't shown up yet. Hmmm... that's a loose thread worth checking up on."

"Congrats on seeing Carpenter's The Thing on the big screen! I'm officially jealous- somehow seeing the prequel at the theater however many months ago just doesn't compare :P Yeah... Bad Lieutenant is"

"Looking at giving There Will be Blood another crack, huh? I may wind up joining you. It's been staring at me from my shelf."

"1. Theron 2. Watts 3. Kruger 4. Pfeiffer 5. Johansson 6-10 whichever 5 lingerie models will do."

"I agree with a good many of your selections here. But then again, a few of them get my hackles up (Particularly Taxi Driver. And to a lesser extent Do the Right Thing.) I'm curious about your inclusi"

"You've watched some great movies this month! The first two Aliens, Roman Holiday, Sabrina, Attack the Block, Home Alone, Taxi Driver, Blue Valentine and more! Great range of taste! I still gotta see "

"Thanks, I'll be blissfully ignoring Piranha 3DD for the remainder of my existence! (But your thoughts showed up just in time- my resolve was beginning to waver.)"

"Thanks for the link- so glad you loved Everything Must Go. It's a movie that I wouldn't expect too many people to get terribly excited about, but I'm glad to be on board together with you on that one."

"@the giraffe & phillydude- NYC was essentially my second favorite character in the movie. @Orlok- Me too! @MihaM~ I've always pegged you for a sensible person."

"Your taste in horror is impeccable!! I agree with lots of these- especially the two twist-ending categories. Can't wait for Livid either. I'll probably take a crack at doing one of these lists, but mi"

"Congrats on two positive Wes Anderson reactions in a row! Can't wait to see it!"

"I still love Ebert's take on A Clockwork Orange Harold and Maude, Snatch, and Kick-Ass. Four movies I plain didn't like. But then again I think he's out of his head when it comes to Edward Scissorha"

"I rented Tyrannosaur a month or so ago and just never worked up the gusto to sit down and watch a movie that I knew was gonna be something of a bummer. Kinda regretting it now that I see your thoughts"

"Why is this the very first time I'm hearing of Take This Waltz? How did this film get released without my knowledge?! Hmmm. I shall investigate this further."

"Great list! Interesting stuff... thanks for putting it together!"

"Happy to see that you took so much away from Scorsese's debut and that so much of it worked for you. And thanks for the review vote! I was just eying Dragonslayer the other day, but looks like I migh"

"Ah yes, well I'm glad you've warmed up to it since initially watching it. If I could experience something similar with I'm a Cyborg... it would please me. I definitely think that I should make a new r"

"Nice list! If I may, I'd recommend both The Grifters and Paper Moon highly!"

"One of the best pure BALLS TO THE GODDAMN WALL action movies to ever get punched directly into your stupid ass face!!!!! ACTION GEEK HEAVEN. Haha, yes! Can't tell you how pleased I was with myself fo"

"Looks like you're off to a fine start for the month. And that I need to go back in time and sit down with The Hustler. I will say that "The Color of Money" is my hands-down least favorite Scorsese mov"