"Some really great choices here, along with a couple that I respectfully disagree with you on. What you said about Open Water is absolutely right!! Exactly my feelings on the most under-appreciated hor"

"Yep, De-Loused is indeed awesome! And Electriclarryland is sweet in a marketing sense (so instantly recognizable!) and kinda bad-ass anyway. As for Heavy Petting Zoo, well, you'd have to know NOFX, bu"

"Oh man is this tough! Do I focus on horror as cinema, or what frightened me the most? Hmmm... seems there's a reason I haven't made this list already! But in the spirit of fun... 1. Alien 2. The Shin"

"@ the giraffe-- don't be afraid to wait for DVD as it's not the type of film that's enhanced too much by the seeing it in the theatre. Bud do hope you check it out! @ johan-- Ha, I'll go read Ebert's"

"I didn't dislike Wolf, but wasn't all I'd hope either. Maybe I'll give it another shot someday. Ha, that's how I felt about the American remake! I had hopes for the original Funny Games, but guess I'l"

"Nice! You kick my ass at 30's horror!! I've only seen 6 out of your 10. And Freaks would be at the bottom of mine too. Just wasn't that into it."

"@ JayTrotter-- Thanks man! Seen 'em all?! Wow, that's awesome. Well done sir! @ jay-jay-- Thanks for the input. I'll try and get too them sometime not too long from now!"

"Cool! I'll continue checking in on this one."

"I just can't get over how many and various films you've seen! Really quite impressive. Have you seen Umberto D? If I were to suggest a title for this list, that would be it."

"Some real gems here! I chuckled pretty hard a lot of 'em. If you wanted to give LTJ their own section a few of my favorites are "Scott Farcas takes it on the Chin", Malt Liquor Tastes Better When You"

"@ drugs-- Thank you! I'm happy to hear you take time to read some of them. I very much appreciate the feedback! @the giraffe-- "...without being too pleased with itself." You nailed it exactly!! As f"

"Hmm, Chewbacca annoying but not Jar-Jar? My mind simply can't make sense of that. But your inclusion of Scrappy-Doo warrants a vote."

"--Glad to see you enjoyed Thor so much. I loved just about everything about the movie, and so far it easily ranks as the brightest surprise of the year for me. Spot-on what you say about the more or l"

"How about Inigo Montoya? Great list and love your point system, but feels incomplete without the Spaniard."

"Thanks!! Yeah, that movie blew my mind when I first saw it. And there's just so many images that have stuck with me. Have you seen any of the sequels? I'd like to track them down, but I don't want to "

"Some great choices here, though a number of films I'd never sit through again too. But a very impressive mix of old new and everything in between!"

"Wow, all in all this is actually the most promising display of collective taste I've seen around here. Awesome!"

"Ha, well you mentioned horror lists in passing the other day, and it reminded me that I still had this one sitting around on 'private' and unfinished. So... what was I to do but finally come back to i"

"Hmmm, my memories of Burton's Planet of the Apes are fuzzy at best since it's also been since seeing it in the theatre. I remeber ridiculing it quite a bit with my friends, but your reaction is very '"

"Haha, "Reinventing Axl Rose" actually came to mind right away, but then I was sad when I didn't see it. But then I was happy again when I read further :) Anyway, great choices. Never heard of a to"

"Hah. 30 Seconds to Boredom. That's funny! I don't pretend to be a music scholar but, how about Prince at #95 while Muse sits at #4??! That's a bit alarming to me. I'm not even saying I dislike Mus"