"Hmmm. Your 1995 list looks more impressive than mine. Haven't seen 3,4,9, or 10. And could've swore I saw "To Die For" at some point, but now I'm not so sure. Pretty much all the rest are on my list t"

"Ya know, I debated a long time over whether or not I wanted 'hooligans' on that list. I ultimately decided that since I did enjoy it and never see it mentioned on this site, I'd include it. The rea"

"Yeah, that was a great watch. I think one of jaytoast's lists reminded my that I had to check that out. Nobody does it quite like Cronenberg. Thanks for the feedback! Wish I would sit down to more "

"Wow, this is epic! Thanks for taking the time to do this! Not many bands would warrant this kind of effort but nine inch nails is certainly one of them. There's a handful of stuff I never knew exis"

"Haven't yet seen "Avatar" (can you believe it?) And was disappointed with "District 9" but feel like maybe I should give it another shot someday. Still don't know why "Up" got SOOO much hype. Thou"

"You're right, "Inglourious Basterds" is overrated in some ways, which is why I stated "Deeply flawed..." up top. But the floor boards scene toward the beginning with Cristopher Waltz is legendary, and"

"This is great!! Thanks for doing this! Now movie nerds like us have a one-stop source for all our movie queue updating needs! Love it."

"Ah, yes. "Crash" has slowly made its way toward the top of my queue so I should be seeing it soon. I'm pretty keen on Cronenberg so I'm excited to see it. I remember hearing about 'Microcosmos' wa"

"Oh man, still haven't seen your #1 film of the year! For some reason just haven't been able to decide if it's something I will like or not. I'm strongly of the 'No Country.." over "There Will Be B"

"Thanks for posting this. It's nice to have all his top tens up here too...thing's I've spent a bit of time checking out over the years. Roger Ebert truly is one of those cases of being the most fa"

"Great, fun list idea! I'd strongly recommend "The Sentinel". Great late 1970's horror flick and perfect for this list."

"Another strong looking list! Oh man, I somehow completely missed "Momento" and may have to stick it my 2000 list somewhere. How'd I forget about that one... --"Requiem" A great film, and if my lis"

"Nice list! I'm on 1997 myself, but halfway thru making the list I'm starting to feel I haven't yet seen enough films (enough good ones anyway) to complete it. Though I do see three or four here that w"

"So glad to see you defend "The Godfather Part III" Yes, yes it had a number of problems, but if nothing else, the conclusion to Michael and Kay's story needed to be told. And after the --*trying to av"

"Good looking list! I'm in the vast minority in that I didn't care for 'American Beauty' at all. Also I run hot and cold on Kubrick and just couldn't get excited about 'Eyes Wide Shut'. Nice to see"

"Great list! Primary Colors is one I wouldn't have expected, though I never did see it. Black Cat, White Cat and The Celebration I haven't even heard of! Guess I better queue 'em up!"

"Haha, I'm sure your slightly off-kilter 'y chromosome' can also be credited for leading you toward some great films that fly under many people's radar. I think it can be forgiven:) Yeah, I loved '"

"Maybe I started tuning Robin Williams out prematurely... Great mix of films!"

"This sir, is one of the most "you're abso-f-ing-lutely right" lists I've seen. Great job thru and thru!"

"I remember 'Unbreakable' being a very polarizing film when it first came out, and still is I suppose. I only saw it once, in the theater, and didn't much care for it at all. But I've heard a couple of"

"Not entirely random, in that I do consciously decide what goes there. But not always what I consider the "best" film of the year either. With some years, yes, there's one that stands out head & sh"

"Well done sir! Thanks for putting in some real time to share your enthusiasm for quality film!"

"Great looking list! The movie "Bug" (2006) would fit in nicely. So many powerful images from "The Passion of Joan of Arc". Good to see that movie cap it off."

"Great list! One of the most worthwhile "beautiful women" lists I've ever seen on this site!"

"Ha, I loved the LOTR series in its entirety, but got tired of putting each film on my top 12. The second was my least favorite I suppose--though even as I write that it feels wrong-- so that's the one"

"Nice list! That Sleepaway Camp still will always freak me out! I concur with giraffe. There's a noticeable lack of Pinhead here;) Well done!"

"You know, I STILL haven't seen "The Pianist". Ridiculous, I know. Worse, is I don't have any compelling reason why. "Phone Booth"...really? Hmmm...I guess I'll have to check that out too! Thanks for "

"A number of these I would need a "Best Know For..." to have any idea who they are. Thanks for posting this though!"