"Just finished my 1993 list and... 3 shared top 10 entries! Good stuff here. I need to re-watch Carlito's Way. the other 6 I haven't seen yet, but more titles for the queue!"

"Cool, thanks for the heads up on 'Mother'. Actually was just reading something about it in a local Arts and Entertainment free weekly. I'll try and check it out soon! Really only one problem I had"

"I'm officially way way way behind. Good job listening to what I'm sure is some great music!"

"Hah, yeah I closed the year out on a pretty good streak. Finally got tired of watching rubbish I guess. I'm excited to check in on your on-going 2011 list. Happy viewing! Don't worry, I'll be sure to "

"Hah, yep this is probably the only list I've made that I actually OWN all the films. Not a 'Tenenbaums' fan, or also not a Wes Anderson fan, I wonder? Hmmm... maybe he's kinda like my Woody Allen. "

"Ah yes, glad to see you're doing one of these lists. Something I'll definately being checking in on now and again. I had full plans to get one of these started for this year, but alas have been super "

"Thanks for posting this. I'd almost forgotten how much I used to enjoy A.V. club as a generally reliable source for all things entertainment. Only film I saw here was "Hot Tub..." on the strength o"

"Ugh, i'm behind the game... still need to see Toy Story 3 and Wall-E and haven't seen Cars. Definately agree with you on 'The Incredibles' at the very top, and 'Up' being not the best movie in the ent"

"Great lookin' list, only a few that wouldn't get my consideration. (as well as a number that I haven't seen) My suggestions: Either Han Solo or the R2D2/C3PO tandem. -- I think Star Wars is big en"

"Third Rule: David Lynch is the exception to the second rule :) Would you consider 'Aliens' as a 1986 replacement? Or 'The Devil's Backbone' 'Amelie' or 'Royal Tennenbaums' for 2001? Anyhow, gr"

"how bout "The Wall" and collected stories of Sarte. Also, "Endgame" the one-act play by Beckett comes to mind...though that may be considered more as absurdism."

"Well done man! You managed to find a pic of the absolutely best moment in "Home Alone". Nice to see 'Elf' here too. Definately a newer one that against all odds has found a place in my heart."

"I can't believe you forgot "The Breed". I mean seriously..."

"Hmm, I'd never heard of "Frozen". looks a lot like "Open Water" in some ways... I'll have to check it out!"

"Gawd, I forgot about "Grace". I wouldn't go out of your way for that one. One of the worst horror films I watched all year."

"Brings back memories! I haven't owned a video-game console in 15 years, but still remember the Mortal Kombat blood-code for Sega Genesis (ABACABB) Expected to see "Leisure Suit Larry" on here, but "

"Haven't seen most of these, but just two items in I got excited because you included "Open Water". Very good film, perfectly satisfying, and downright terrifying. In fact, I'll just say it: We're righ"

"Hmmm, thoughtful looking list with a number of titles I'm hoping to watch soon."

"Nice list. Good to see "Bug" and "Shadow of the Vampire" get some love here. (psst, it's actually Willem Dafoe that plays the Nosferatu) If you're looking for a #50, the French extreme horror pic "Ins"

"Oh my. I haven't seen a single one of these films. What have I been doing all these years?"

"I really dug "Open Water" and would recommend it if you're curious about seeing it. Wondering if I was crazy for being as affected by it as I was I looked up Ebert's review for it afterward and found "

"Hmm, I thought 'Repo!' was kind of charming in it's own way. But then again I didn't expect a whole lot from it and only sat down with it in the first place because I found out Nivek Ogre of Skinny Pu"

"Wow, so much to catch up on! You steered me right with "Spider Baby" some weeks back, so I look forward to a number of the horror pics. And thanks for reminding me that I need to see "Me and Orson Wel"

"wow, what a thorough list! Thanks for all the work you put into it! Great read- why no notes on Tweaker though i wonder? The first albumn had some great moments, but I never did check out anything aft"

"Hmmm, yeah I'm kinda with ya on Head Like A Hole...except when a dj played it once at this 'The Cure after-party' after seeing the Cure in Charlotte a while back. It was unexpected enough to be quite "

"Ha, and how did I forget to vote for this the first time I visited it??? Ah me."

"So picked up the remastered 'PHM' yesterday... just wanted to say I'm loving that "Get Down Make Love" has a new home!"

"And I sir, didn't realize "30 Days of Night" was inspired by a comic. Definately would've made my list! And how did I forget about "The Incredibles"?! Well done, though we part company on 'Wanted' and"